Behavioural Changes in your Senior Pet

Many of the behavioural changes we see in our senior pets are caused by changes in their bodies and brains that occur as they age. For example, as a pet ages, they may be less responsive to your commands, easier to startle, more afraid of common areas or events, less interested in food. These changes are often due to their loss of vision, hearing, sense of smell and taste. Seniors pets may also experience losses in cognitive function that are similar to changes in people with dementia. Pets experiencing Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome (CDS) would appear:

  • Confused
  • Disoriented
  • Show decreased interaction with owners

These changes will show up in their behaviour as irritation, aggression or delays in responding to your commands. Sometimes pets with CDS will experience changes in their sleep patterns, and may develop housetraining accidents. If you have noticed any of these changes in your pet, it’s time to get their health checked to rule out other physical causes before diagnosing CDS. Other common causes of these behavioural changes are illnesses or pain due to arthritis, dental disease, bladder infection, or side effects of medications.


To determine the source of your pet’s behavior changes, your vet will need blood and urine samples from your pet. The vet will also perform a physical exam as well as taking a complete medical history. It is possible that a senior pet may be suffering from a combination of medical and cognitive problems.

Treatment Options


If joint pain is an issue then medications can help, as will modifying the pet’s environment with a softer bed, easier walking surface and beside stairs.


A good dental cleaning and tooth extractions could resolve eating issues caused by poor dental hygiene and rotten teeth. These can be severe problems for a pet who hasn’t had a cleaning or any dental care before its senior years.


House soiling is very common in senior pets as their kidney function declines with age. As well, the incidence of urinary tract infections increases and arthritis contributes to the pet’s reluctance to travel as far to eliminate.


Anxiety disorders increase with age but fortunately there are very effective treatments for them. Your veterinarian will try to determine when the behavioural problem began and if anything triggered it. Understanding the problem from the pet’s point of view may allow us to suggest behaviour modification techniques to ease the pet’s anxiety. When necessary, we can refer your pet to a behavioural specialist. There are excellent anti-depressant and anti-anxiety neutraceuticals and prescription medications for pets, just as there are for people.

Separation anxiety is a common example of an anxiety disorder that increases as cognitive function diminishes. Serious separation anxiety almost always requires a combination of behaviour modification training and a prescription anti-anxiety medication.


If your pet is diagnosed with CDS, talk to your veterinarian about natural supplements, prescription diets, and prescription medications that are formulated to slow the progression of the disease. It can be frightening and disconcerting to get older and lose some of the function of one or all of our senses, but there are many holistic and medical therapies that can make your senior pet less anxious and more comfortable.

If you have any questions about our services, please contact us today at (604) 521-0781.