Biannual checks are recommended for cats and dogs greater than 8 years of age. (contact us for senior designations of birds, small pets and lizards).
During these visits, your vet will assess your pet’s health and talk with you about any changes you have noticed since your pet’s last wellness check. Your vet will also follow up with you about previously noted health issues or concerns from your pet’s chart. Please take a moment to print out the senior health check form from our website. We use this to help us collect information from your in the days before you come for the appointment.
Similar to an adult pet Wellness Check, the veterinarian will complete a “nose to tail” physical exam of your pet to assess for parasites e.g. fleas, heartworm, and intestinal worms.
They will evaluate your pet’s body mass and dietary intake. Based on these results your vet may make dietary and activity recommendations to improve your pet’s current health and increase your pet’s lifespan.
During the Wellness Check, blood, uring and fecal (stool) samples are collected to determine your pet’s health “on the inside.” Blood and urine measures enable to understand how well your pet’s body is working. This informs our care and treatment plans.
Your vet will want to talk about your pet’s vaccinations and vaccinate as appropriate for age and lifestyle.
Please bring your concerns and questions to the Wellness Checks. You know your pet best, and are able to notice changes in their behaviours that may indicate internal changes. We are here to answer any questions that you have about your pet’s diet, health and behaviour. We can also provide you with take-home information that you can read at your leisure.
If you have any questions about our services, please contact us today at (604) 521-0781.